Amaranthus Chouli Green Jewel Seeds

Rs. 70.00


Green Amaranthus is a variety of leafy vegetable. It grows to a height of 1-2 feet and is easy to cultivate in kitchen garden.

Seeds per pack: 5 gm of seeds with 98% physical purity

Scientific name: Amaranthus tricolor, A.dubius, A. tristis

Family: Amaranthaceae

Common Names: Chhoti chulai -Hindi, Danttu -Kannada

Variety: Red choulai jewel and green choulai jewel

Soil and climatic requirement:

Soil: It can grow in all type of soil, but loam soil are best for cultivation. Ideal Ph is 6-7 range.

Climate: Require 18-25 degree C for germination and for optimum growth required 25 degree temperature.

Crop Duration: 35-30 days as vegetable, 90 days for seed purpose.

Planting season: Dec-Jan and April-may

Planting type:Direct sowing mix with sand while sowing.

Spacing: Row to row 30 Cm. Thinning the seedling by leaving 12 cm

Depth of sowing: 0.5 -1 Cm

Germination period: 5-10 days

Hours of sunlight required: 8 Hrs

Irrigation: The first irrigation is given immediately after sowing. Avoid rapid water flow to prevent washing off of seeds. Subsequent irrigations may be given at frequent intervals except rainy days.

Companion crops: Corn, onion, eggplant and pepper.

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